Jermaine S. McDougald
Assistant Professor

Formación Académica
- Jermaine McDougald holds a M.A. in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, a Specialization in Educational Management and a Specialization in University Teaching.
- He is the Director of Faculty and Research and Editor of the Latin American Journal of Content & Language Integrated Learning, Universidad de La Sabana (Colombia).
- He has published book chapters and articles in different journals nationally and internationally.
- He is also an Academic Specialist consulting on bilingual projects with the Colombian Ministry of Education and the British Council. His current research interest includes CLIL, ICTs in ELT, Teacher Training and International Education.
- He is the director of the research group: LALETUS – Language Learning and Teaching Universidad de La Sabana.
Jermaine McDougald holds a M.A. in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, a Specialization in Educational Management and a Specialization in University Teaching. He is the Director of Faculty and Research and Editor of the Latin American Journal of Content & Language Integrated Learning, Universidad de La Sabana (Colombia). He has published book chapters and articles in different journals nationally and internationally. He is also an Academic Specialist consulting on bilingual projects with the Colombian Ministry of Education and the British Council. His current research interest includes CLIL, ICTs in ELT, Teacher Training and International Education. He is the director of the research group: LALETUS – Language Learning and Teaching Universidad de La Sabana.
CvLAC Google Scholar ORCID 0000-0002-

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