Inglés avanzado (MINOR)
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(MINOR estudiantes UniSabana)

Presentación del curso
Un minor es un énfasis para tu carrera en el cual aprendes contenido a través del inglés. El estudio de un minor te ayudará a llevar tu inglés a un nivel superior ya que no sólo podrás desarrollar tus habilidades comunicativas sino descubrir temas culturales e interdisciplinares claves para tu formación como un ciudadano global.
Recuerda que en el programa de inglés, si el promedio de todos los niveles cursados es mínimo de 4.0, quedas exento del examen internacional. Si tomas las asignaturas de minor para homologar los niveles seis y/o siete, sigues gozando de este beneficio. No olvides que para aplicar a este beneficio, debes haber tomado al menos 2 niveles de inglés o su equivalente homologado en el Minor. Los Minor tomados como electiva no se calculan en el promedio para aplicar a la exención del examen, solo los homologados.
Debes cumplir al menos con uno de los siguientes requisitos:
Para homologar nivel 6 o 7, debes tener una nota final de mínimo 3.8 en el nivel anterior.
Haber aprobado nivel 7 de Inglés o estar exento.
Si tu clasificación de inglés al ingreso a la universidad estuvo en nivel 6 o 7.
Cursos Minor

1. Strengthening conversational skills
Strengthening Conversational Skills is a course for students who want to improve their speaking and listening skills. Classes are based on discussions and presentations where topics of general academic interest are discussed. Students are exposed to real communicative situations where they experience the need of communicating by using English as target language. The focus of this course is to develop students´ communicative skills in English; nevertheless, students will learn communicative strategies that can be transferred to any communicative situation where other languages are spoken.Course ID SIGA: 2856 SCS

2. Intercultural Studies and Local Identities (3 credits)
This course will prepare students for international travel, work, or study abroad and when working with non-Colombians in Colombia. Students will analyze ethnicity, education, politics, race and current events through movies, magazines, music, art, and television from around the world to create universal strategies on how to interact with any culture at ease. Students will develop an understanding of the varied similarities and differences individuals share around the world and which should be celebrated as part of the human condition. This course emphasizes on exploring the richness of the local (Colombian) identity compared to other countries.Course ID SIGA: 2223 ILI

3. Exploring customs and traditions around the world (3 credits)
This course will give you a chance to explore and discover some traditions and customs of the five continents. You will travel around the world through movies, magazines, articles, images and the variety of resources offered by National Geographic since its origins. You will contribute to the exploration of religion, culture, traditions, rituals and beliefs around the world from their own perspectives and perceptions. This course aims at providing you with the chance of taking a trip in each class and getting to know wonderful places and their history, myths and legends. The course will be divided into two terms; the firs term will be devoted to exploring customs and traditions in America and Europe. The second term will be devoted to exploring customs and traditions in Asia and Africa.Course ID SIGA: 3525ECT

4. Exploring the world and its mysterious wonders (3 credits)
This course will give students a chance to explore and discover the five continents and its natural wonders and mysteries. Students will travel around the world through movies, magazines, articles, images and the variety of resources offered by National Geographic since its origins. Students will contribute to the exploration of natural wonders around the world from their own perspectives and perceptions. This course aims at providing students with the chance of taking a trip in each class and getting to know wonderful places and their history, mysteries, myths and legends. The course will be divided into two terms; the first term will be devoted to exploring natural wonders in America and Europe. The second term will be devoted to exploring natural wonders in Asia and Africa.Course ID SIGA: 3598EMW
Cursos ESP Series

ESP Series
1 English for Business (3 credits)
This course focuses on gaining an advanced development of the skills needed to perform successfully and effectively at any business-related environment. The course provides students with the opportunity to practice with complex grammatical structures and business-related vocabulary through varied activities and scenarios such as writing business-oriented documents, the selection of information for the preparation of reports and presentations, among others. Also, this course will prepare students for international travel, work, or study; and when working with non-Colombians in different contexts. Students will analyze decision-making situations, resumé preparation, sales issues, global concerns in the business world, and, dealing with customers and complaints, etc. Students will have an opportunity to work on the step-by-step creation and promotion process of a given product or service to be presented as a final product of the course. Course ID SIGA: 5876ENBU

ESP Series
2. English for law (3 credits)
Students will identify a wide range of legalese terminology, which they will be using to gain proficiency in writing and speaking skills for the law field, as the means to gain confidence as lawyers when using the second language professionally. They will read, listen, watch, and discuss national and worldwide famous criminal cases presented in films, books, and TV series; besides they will read and discuss official legal documents and websites from relevant international institutions. The course will be divided into two terms; in both terms students will be building a Legalese section that they will be using throughout the entire course; the first term will be devoted to identify general concepts in different fields such as criminology, probatory, depositions, the court room, and defense. In the second term they will be writing about discoveries, motions, and other legal documents common in the lawyer everyday work, while building the conditions to analyze the international court institutions and assemblies, before carrying out a trial mock. Course ID SIGA: 5719ELAW

ESP Series
3. English for Health Professionals (3 credits)
This course focuses on gaining advanced development of the skills necessary to perform successfully and effectively in any setting related to the health professions. The course provides students with the opportunity to practice complex grammatical structures and vocabulary related to health and wellness through various activities and scenarios such as report writing, diagnoses, or conversations related to patients, diseases, case studies, selection of information, and vocabulary to address patients, family members or caregivers, and colleagues. In addition, this course will prepare students for office environments, clinics, and emergencies, among others; and when working with non-Colombians in different health contexts, making English as a foreign language the vehicle for effective communication in the development of their profession. Course ID SIGA: 9704EHPR