General Spanish Courses

General Spanish Courses

The general objective of the course is to improve the communicative competences in Spanish and the intercultural competence as well.


General information

General spanish courses

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General courses


Theoretical and practical sessions with a communicative approach in which the students work on the four language skills (listening, speaking, writing and reading) and learn an appropriate range of grammar and vocabulary in accordance with the topics studied in class.

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General courses


• Improvement of the Spanish communicative competence

• Ample acquaintance with Colombian and Latin-American culture

• Immersion in the Colombian culture

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General courses

Volunteer work *Optional

This program involves social work organized by non-profit organizations located near the university. Volunteers will gain firsthand experience working with children, teenagers, the elderly, and/or socially vulnerable groups. It offers a unique opportunity to share knowledge and experiences while engaging with the local community.

The volunteer commitment requires four to six (4 to 6) hours per week, scheduled in the afternoons. Please note that combining the Spanish course with volunteer work incurs an additional fee of $50 USD per week.

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General courses

Cultural outings

One of the most rewarding aspects of this experience is the opportunity to visit cultural and touristic landmarks in Bogotá and nearby towns. These include museums, parks, monuments, historical sites, and more. Please note that some outings may involve additional costs.

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General courses

Cultural & sports activities

To enhance your cultural immersion, you can choose from a diverse selection of sports and cultural courses. Options include Latin dancing, photography, painting, cooking, singing, piano, guitar, swimming, tennis, volleyball, and more. Some classes may have an additional fee, typically around $50 USD per semester.

Please note that availability is subject to the institution's activity schedules.

General information


General and online courses / Additional service

General Spanish face-to-face


(15 hours per week)

$ 270 USD per week

General Spanish face-to-face


(12 hours per week)

222 USD per week

General Spanish One-on-one


Select number of hours you want to take

From $48 to $52 USD per hour

General Spanish online group classes


10 | 30 | 60 hrs

250 | 690 | 1.380 USD

One-on-one classes


Select number of hours you want to take

From $48 to $52 USD per hour

Study Abroad


20 weeks / 15 hours per week

5.033 USD per semester

Gap Year


40 weeks / 15 hours per week

8.856 USD

Airport pick up / drop off

Airport Pick up / drop off

Per ride

67 USD

Finding accommodation fee

Free of charge

Added value offered by Universidad de La Sabana




¡Estamos para servir más y mejor!


Teléfonos fijos: 861 5555 / 861 6666

