Mechanical Engineering

The Undergraduate Program in Mechanical Engineering at Universidad de La Sabana trains professionals with an interdisciplinary and international vision aimed at the design and implementation of mechanical systems and at the optimization and automation of machinery and processes, meeting the production and service needs with criteria of functionality, safety, efficiency and sustainability in the fields of energy, robotics, materials and manufacturing.


Mechanical Engineer.


This program degree is subject to inspection and surveillance by the Ministry of National Education.


On-campus, daytime academic program.




Qualified Registration according to Resolution No. 023696 of December 10, 2021, approving the request for renewal and modification of the qualified registration for the Mechanical Engineering program for a term of 7 years.


This program is offered at the Puente del Común Campus, Km. 7, Autopista Norte de Bogotá. Chía, Cundinamarca, Colombia. 




157 credits.


9 semesters.
The internship takes place in the ninth semester.


Registration fee: $ 130,000 COP / approx. 33 USD

The tuition fee for 2024 is:

Value of the semester in pesos. Approximate dollar value *
$ 16,216,000 COP $ 4,140 USD approx.

*All amounts in dollars are approximate values. The amount is calculated according to the USD exchange rate of the day.


Enrollments are open for the 2024-2 period. 

The mechanical engineer from the Universidad de La Sabana can develop their professional activity as: 

  • Lead Engineer in Integrated Systems: Leads projects at the intersection of mechanical and electronic systems. They are responsible for the design, testing, and maintenance of integrated engineering solutions, establishing relationships with teams from various areas. 

  • Director of Quality Assurance and Compliance: Ensures and supervises that both product designs and operational processes meet or even exceed quality standards. Additionally, they promote adherence to ethical, environmental, and safety regulations. 

  • Chief Engineering Consultant: Promotes innovation with a focus on sustainability, designing engineering solutions that highlight the importance of caring for the environment. Leads consultancies with various industries to adopt greener and more sustainable practices in their daily operations. 

  • Principal Automation Engineer: Responsible for implementing automation and control mechanisms in different production sectors, always with a focus on efficiency, innovation, and the ability to adapt to different scales. 

  • Education Strategist: Outlines professional growth paths for engineering teams. Designs and provides high-quality technical training, ensuring they are up to date with the latest technologies and best practices in the industry. 

  • Experimental Analyst and Test Engineer: Guides teams during experimentation and testing phases, emphasizing continuous improvement of designs. Interprets results and transforms them into concrete actions to improve the effectiveness and reliability of products. 

  • Director of Engineering Projects: Leads engineering projects from initial idea to full execution. Stands out for their ability to manage resources, involve all stakeholders, and meet stipulated deadlines, ensuring that results are aligned with strategic objectives. 

  • Manufacturing Lead Engineer: Proposes and implements improvements in production processes to achieve higher efficiency levels. Works closely with different industries to incorporate modern engineering practices that enhance growth. 

It comprises 175 Academic Credits to be developed in nine calendar semesters, including professional Internship; It has few prerequisites, which makes it easier for the student to organize their curriculum with flexibility. 

Approximately 60% of the credits of the study plan correspond to common subjects with other programs of the Faculty of Engineering, which gives the student the possibility of study a double program.

 If you get into the program in the period from 2015-2, click on Curriculum 2015-2.

If you got into the program in the period "second semester of 2013 to first semester of 2015", click on Curriculum 2013-2 - 2015-1.

If you got into the program in the period "second semester of 2007 to first semester of 2013", click on Curriculum 2007-2 - 2013-1.


The applicant for the Mechanical Engineering program must be a high school graduate with intellectual curiosity, mathematical aptitude reflected in a SABER 11 score above average, and a liking for exact sciences and natural sciences. Motivated to learn, they have an interest in the field of mechanical engineering and the social implications of practicing a profession and are willing to commit to developing their intellectual, and communication skills in a second language, and to be fully trained as a person and as an engineer.

The mechanical engineer from the Universidad de La Sabana is a professional with an interdisciplinary and international vision, capable of experimenting; designing and implementing moving mechanical systems; optimizing and automating machinery and processes; managing and developing projects; responding to production and service needs, with criteria of functionality, safety, efficiency, and sustainability. 

The graduate of the program is characterized by having greater strength in the areas of energy, automation and robotics, materials, and manufacturing, by providing solutions through the creation and adaptation of new technologies, and by acting based on ethics, recognizing the dignity of the individual and, consequently, with a sense of social responsibility. 

The graduate of the Mechanical Engineering program at the Universidad de La Sabana can develop their professional activity by starting their own business or by joining traditional fields such as manufacturing, the automotive industry, the energy, mining, metallurgical, and steel sectors, as well as services related to consulting, advisory, design, automation, and maintenance. They can also work in emerging and innovative fields such as new materials, nanotechnology, robotics, alternative energies, and bioengineering. 

Likewise, the mechanical engineer from the Universidad de La Sabana can be part of organizations related to research and technological development, education, and standardization, with the establishment of national policies and project development, being able to perform managerial, production, administrative, or commercial roles there. 

a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.

b. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.

c. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.

d. An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.

e. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems f. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.

g. An ability to communicate effectively.

h. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.

i. A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.

j. A knowledge of contemporary issues.

k. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

The graduate in Mechanical Engineering from the Universidad de La Sabana is a professional who: 

  • Designs, implements and maintains engineering systems that synergize mechanical and electronic components using contemporary tools and methodologies. 
  • Uses practices that emphasize ethical responsibility, environmental conservation, and the promotion of economic growth in the industries they serve. 
  • Tirelessly seeks knowledge and leadership in the field, equipped with the skills to adapt to emerging technologies, demonstrating an aptitude for self-guided learning and innovation in the digital domain.