Industrial Engineering

The Industrial Engineering career at Universidad de La Sabana trains professionals oriented to the design, analysis, management and optimization of production and logistics systems in both the industrial and service sectors, contributing to the continuous improvement of organizations in local or international scenarios.


Industrial Engineer.


This program degree is subject to inspection and surveillance by the Ministry of National Education.


On-campus, daytime academic program.




Qualified Registration according to Resolution 007435 of April 30, 2021. Valid for 6 years. Granted by the Ministry of National Education.


Accreditation renewal through Resolution No. 007435 of April 30, 2021. Valid for 6 years. Granted by the Ministry of National Education.




This program is offered at the Puente del Común Campus, Km. 7, Autopista Norte de Bogotá. Chía, Cundinamarca, Colombia. 




166 credits.


9 semesters.

The internship takes place in the ninth semester.


Registration fee: $ 130,000 COP / approx. 33 USD

The tuition fee for 2024 is: 

Value of the semester in Colombian pesos. Approximate dollar value *
$ 16,216,000 COP $ 4,140 USD approx.

*All amounts in dollars are approximate values. The amount is calculated according to the USD exchange rate of the day.


Enrollments are open for the 2024-2 period. 

The Industrial Engineer from the Universidad de La Sabana is capable of excelling in the following professional areas: 

  • Quality management. 
  • Organizational and economic engineering. 
  • Human talent management. 
  • Logistics and supply chain management - SCM. 
  • Production of industrialized goods or services. 
  • Management and direction of any type of organization. 
  • Consulting and advisory roles. 

It comprises 177 Academic Credits to be developed in nine calendar semesters, including professional Internship; It has few prerequisites, which makes it easier for the student to organize their curriculum with flexibility. Approximately 60% of the credits of the study plan correspond to common subjects with other programs of the Faculty of Engineering, which gives the student the possibility of study a double program.

 If you get into the program in the period from 2015-2, click on Curriculum 2015-2.

If you got into the program in the period "second semester of 2013 to first semester of 2015", click on Curriculum 2013-2 - 2015-1.

If you got into the program in the period "second semester of 2007 to first semester of 2013", click on Curriculum 2007-2 - 2013-1.


The applicant to the Industrial Engineering program at the Universidad de La Sabana: 

It is a person who, having successfully completed the requirements of secondary education, is interested in being formed integrally as a person, as a future graduate of the Universidad de La Sabana, and with solid and extensive knowledge in industrial engineering. It is expected that they possess a set of virtues, values, and principles following what the University postulates in its Institutional Educational Project (PEI). 

This also implies that among the qualities of the applicant, there must be an affinity with the basic sciences of engineering and a natural predisposition to creatively and integrally solve problems that contribute to the common good and the development of society. 

Has a systemic and humanistic vision of organizations, competent in design, analysis, management and optimization of production and logistics systems in the industrial and service contexts, acting with social commitment, and contributing to the continuous improvement of organizations in local or international scenarios through the use of analytical, computational and experimental tools. 

The Industrial Engineer from the Universidad de La Sabana will be able to perform successfully in the following dimensions related to his professional context: 

Performance Areas:  

  • Operations engineering 
  • Plant and environmental engineering 
  • Quality and development engineering 
  • Organizational and economic engineering 
  • Human talent engineering 

Type of institutions: 

  • New or existing 
  • Private or public. National or international 
  • Producers of industrialized goods or services 
  • Pymes 


  • Heads, managers and directors of any type of organization, as well as in advisory or staff positions. 

To lead organizations and processes in everything related to the resolution of problems such as:

  • Lead organizations and processes in order to continuously improve in their competitiveness. 
  • Continuously identify improvement opoortunities in the processes of the different areas of the organizations. 
  • Create new processes considering the optimization of required resources. 
  • Standardize existing systems, ensuring their sustainability over time. 
  • Find a new use for existing devices, information, resources or systems, with added value. 

a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering 

b. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.

c. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.

d. An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.

e. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems 

f. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.

g. An ability to communicate effectively.

h. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.

i. A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.

j. A knowledge of contemporary issues.

k. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

Industrial engineers from the Universidad de La Sabana: 

  • Will play a leadership role within teams responsible for the analysis, design, management, and optimization of industrial and service systems. 
  • Will be professionals committed to society, considering the environmental, social, and economic aspects of professional practice. 
  • Will adapt to global trends in the field of Industrial Engineering and different performance contexts of the profession. 
  • Will achieve a systemic vision of organizations, mastering critical thinking and teamwork.