Bioproduction Engineering

The Undergraduate Program in Bioproduction Engineering at Universidad de La Sabana trains professionals oriented to the design of new, sustainable, eco-efficient and competitive products and processes, aswell as the management of production.


Bioproduction Engineer.


This program degree is subject to inspection and surveillance by the Ministry of National Education.


On-campus, daytime academic program.




Qualified Registration according to Resolution No. 007955 of May 6, 2022. Valid for 8 years.


Accreditation renewal through Resolution No. 007955 of May 6, 2022. Valid for 8 years. Granted by the Ministry of National Education. 


This program is offered at the Puente del Común Campus, Km. 7, Autopista Norte de Bogotá. Chía, Cundinamarca, Colombia. 




161 credits.


9 semesters.
The internship takes place in the ninth semester.


Registration fee: $ 130,000 COP / approx. 33 USD

The tuition fee for 2024

Value of the semester in pesos. Approximate dollar value *
$ 16,216,000 COP $ 4,140 USD approx.

*All amounts in dollars are approximate values. The amount is calculated according to the USD exchange rate of the day.


Enrollments are open for the 2024-2 period. 

The Bioproduction Engineer from the Universidad de La Sabana is capable of: 

  • Leading in research and development of innovative products and processes. 
  • Developing sustainable practices and processes that minimize the environmental impact of biological operations. 
  • Plan, supervise, and optimize production systems, ensuring that each stage of manufacturing is efficient and sustainable. 
  • Manage and administer production plants, coordinate teams, and make strategic decisions to maintain operational efficiency. 
  • Manage quality assurance, ensuring that products meet the highest standards. 
  • Consulting and advising in the industry of conservation and transformation of materials of biological origin. 
  • To participate effectively in the creation and development of their own company.

It comprises 175 Academic Credits to be developed in nine calendar semesters, including professional Internship; It has few prerequisites, which makes it easier for the student to organize their curriculum with flexibility. 

Approximately 60% of the credits of the study plan correspond to common subjects with other programs of the Faculty of Engineering, which gives the student the possibility of study a double program.

 If you get into the program in the period from 2015-2, click on Curriculum 2015-2.

If you got into the program in the period "second semester of 2013 to first semester of 2015", click on Curriculum 2013-2 - 2015-1.

If you got into the program in the period "second semester of 2007 to first semester of 2013", click on Curriculum 2007-2 - 2013-1.


Applicants to the program at the Universidad de La Sabana must be a high school graduate: 

  • With intellectual concerns, mathematical aptitude, and a liking for basic sciences (biology, microbiology, chemistry). 
  • Motivated to learn about practical applications, innovations, and developments related to conservation and industrial transformation processes. 
  • Willing to develop their intellectual abilities and to be fully trained as a person and as an engineer. 

In line with the mission of the Faculty of Engineering, the engineer from the program at the Universidad de La Sabana is a professional with scientific, technological, and humanistic training, committed to social reality. They use science and technology to solve problems related to the design and management of products and processes, related to the transformation of materials of biological origin. Their knowledge and the development of their creative, proactive, and investigative spirit, as well as their communication, leadership, and decision-making skills, allow them to understand, explain, generate, and apply optimal solutions to the needs of their professional environment, with a systemic approach and environmental responsibility. Likewise, they collaborate in the planning, organization, management, and creation of companies producing goods and services. 

The Bioproduction Engineer from the Universidad de La Sabana is capable of planning, controlling, and optimizing production systems, managing and overseeing plants, managing quality assurance, and designing products and processes. They can hold positions in research and development as well as industrial consulting and advisory roles, all within the industry of conservation and transformation of biological materials. Due to their leadership and innovation capabilities, graduates can actively participate in creating and developing their own companies. 

a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.

b. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.

c. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.

d. An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.

e. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems f. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.

g. An ability to communicate effectively.

h. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.

i. A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.

j. A knowledge of contemporary issues.

k. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

The Bioproduction Engineer graduate from the Universidad de La Sabana is a comprehensive professional who: 

  • Designs products, processes, and manages production for the transformation of biological materials (both food and non-food) in a circular economy context. 
  • Solves design and management problems of products and processes related to the transformation of biological materials. They use science and technology to contribute to the sustainable development of society, facilitating the creation or improvement of business models. 
  • Adapts to global trends in the field of Bioproduction Engineering with effective communication, leadership, and teamwork skills.