International Learning Activities

  • Language proficiency: Curriculae include 77 courses taught in English as a second language, as well as compulsory third language courses up to B1 level. Third language courses read at the university include Portuguese, French, Italian and German.

  • International Summer School (ISS) and International Winter School (IWS): Summer and winter courses in relevant areas of management (30-40 hours) taught by highly qualified international professors.

International Awareness 

Academic mobility (inbound and outbound):

Students, faculty and staff members can access the following mobility opportunities in face-to-face, hybrid or online environments:

  • Short courses: Language courses and summer schools with partner universities.
  • 11 International Articulation Agreements: 4 Double Degree Bachelor-Bachelor, 7 Double Degree Bachelor-Master, and 4 Double Degree Master-Master.
  • Exchange (one semester or one year): Exchange agreements with 59 different universities.
  • International challenges and events: The School promotes students and faculty participation in international competitions, hackathons, and creative problem-solving scenarios.
  • Internships abroad: On average 12% of our students target opportunities at 82 multinational companies, international subsidiaries of Multilatinas and other foreign companies abroad.

Our School also collaborates with the EFMD Global Network and other internationally accredited universities to connect students with multiple internationally recognized companies.


The School’s academic mobility approach takes into account new digital opportunities with partner universities. VirtualEx aims to promote a virtual academic mobility portfolio to enable inbound and outbound students to read either synchronous or asynchronous courses with universities abroad and our International School.

International partnerships

International Agreements with 58 different universities, 60% of them with at least one international accreditation.