Elective Courses

EICEA'S Elective Courses Click Here

Administration & Organizations

· Regional and Urban Management Planning
· World Entrepreneurial History
· Organizational Culture and Climate
· Corporate Government 


· Consumer Behaviour
· Sports Marketing
· Trade Marketing
· Neuromarketing
· Electronic Marketing
· Agricultural marketing
· Neuroscience and the Firm
· Advertising


· Colombian Economy Foundations
· History of Economic Thought
· World Economic History

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

· Family Business
· Creativity and Inventors
· Social Entrepreneurship
· AUDI Cathedra - Tecnology Managment 
· OLARTE- MOURE Cathedra on Management of Intellectual Property, Inventions and Trademarks
· Law for Entrepreneurs
· Innovative Global Industries
· LFM  Cathedra on Franchises