Unisabana Faculty Links is an initiative of the University of La Sabana to connect its professors with international peers and thus 1) Generate international experiences for students from both universities 2) Strengthen the international network of teaching and research with collaborations ranging from invitations to sessions or modules of subjects, until the generation of joint projects.
Bearing in mind that the purpose of the program is to connect teachers with international peers, collaborations will depend on the interests, abilities and needs of the teacher. In that sense, the teacher from La Sabana can work with his peer collaborations ranging from being a lecturer invited to a class, until the development of a joint syllabus for a complete subject involving joint projects between students from both institutions. Next, different possibilities are suggested according to the level of interaction that can occur between teachers and the international experience generated in students:
Guest lecturer, professor of a module, jury of works, challenge mentor, jointly design activities in which the students of both professors interact and even have to prepare proposals or work projects together in inter-institutional teams; mirror classes
The teacher will decide which collaboration he prefers to work with.
The call is launched annually in such a way that teachers have the opportunity to implement their project in the second semester of the current year and / or in the first semester of the following year.
Unisabana Faculty Links starts from the principle of collaboration. Collaborations are expected to be reciprocal and the experience of students from both institutions will be enriched. For this reason, no remuneration is contemplated for the La Sabana teacher or for the international teacher.
No. The Program seeks that professors collaborate as part of their work in their institution of origin and create or strengthen inter-institutional academic and scientific relationships. It is not a full-time teacher recruitment program.
Not necessarily. In fact, interdisciplinarity enriches the experience of students and opens a range of possibilities for joint work by teachers at the level of research and social projection.
Not necessarily. Although pairs related to the request of the teacher from La Sabana will be sought, the following may occur:
That no response is obtained from international teachers for the request of the teacher from La Sabana
That, once the dialogue has started, the teachers identify that there is no affinity for collaboration.
Yes. Both the La Sabana teacher and the international teacher will receive a certificate of participation in the Program.
Yes. In fact, it is ideal that collaboration and joint work between the two teachers continue. The program is a platform for encounters, but the collaborations would be expected to be long-term.
Not necessarily. This will depend on the type of collaborations that they define between the two professors and what is contemplated in both universities regarding teaching mobility. If you decide to do mobility, you must have the guarantees of the respective institutions and reach agreements on the costs of the same.
The program is voluntary and does not intend to generate additional burdens on the teacher, so each teacher decides from their interests, abilities and availability, the type of activity they will carry out. However, it is important that whoever participates complies with a minimum of commitments that allows the correct execution of the program, as well as the experience of both teachers and students:
Maintain fluid and timely communication with the Unisabana teachers.
Keep the International Relations Office of the University of La Sabana informed about challenges or difficulties that arise.
Participate in the launch and closing sessions of the Program.