Author guidelines

• All submissions must be in pdf.

• Ensure all co-authors have reviewed and approved the submission.

• Adhere to ethical guidelines for research and publication.

• Register and attend the conference if the submission is accepted.

All submissions must be in English.

Submissions must represent original work that has not been published or submitted elsewhere.

• Prepare a one-page abstract according to the instructions shown in the template (see below)

• Upload your abstract using the following linkFollow the instructions provided.

• Wait until you receive a notification regarding the acceptance/rejection decision.

• In the case of acceptance, prepare your paper using the template below.

• Upload the paper in the same link

Download the abstract instructions here.

Download the full paper template here. Please edit the PDF with your information.


The author registration (full or student) includes attendance at all sessions, the participant package, lunches, coffee breaks, digital certificate of attendance, and digital proceedings. The full author registration includes the gala dinner. Each paper must be presented at the conference and have at least one and registered author to be included in the conference proceedings. One conference registration allows for a maximum of three paper presentations.  

Full Registration*$ 500

Student Registration

$ 150 


(No paper presentation and no certificate of attendance)

$ 50 

Doctoral Workshop

$ 50 

Partner (companion) 

$ 150 


$ 360 (10% discount) 

*Early bird for full registration category (until May 15th): USD $400 

For further information, please contact

The submission link will be posted soon