Aloha Editor is a HTML5 WYSIWYG Editor which offers a whole new way of editing. It's faster than existing technologies and offers unprecedented WYSIWYG functionalities (from the website).
There is a TYPO3 extension that can be downloaded and installed in a few steps:
- Head to the Extension Manager in the BE and install extension aloha. Notice the possible settings in the EM related to saving. By default the editor will behave as "demo" and therefore will not save modifications.
- Include two TypoScript Templates. There are different way of loading a Static Template (as called for TS templates from third party extensions). Here I will load them by including some config in EXT:speciality/ext_localconf.php after line 12 which has the advantage to be versionned if used in conjonction with a CSV.
- Add configuration aloha = 1 in BE User or Group TSConfig section. User / Groups can be edited from a dedicated module in the BE under "Admin Tools".
- Add into file EXT:speciality/speciality/Configuration/TypoScript/Config/config.ts following lines:
config.aloha = 1
- Open in a new window the website while having a BE loggin. There should be the Admin Panel at the bottom of the page where to enable the Aloha editor.
While Aloha Editor is being very promising, there will still need some more tweaking and polishing required for the Bootstrap Package in order to smoothen the Usability for your Users. Contribution welcome!