Giving to La Sabana

"Amigos Unisabana" is a unit of Universidad de la Sabana  obtaining special founding resources for managing and implementing social projects.

The association also identifies and diagnoses new areas of opportunity, allowing links between the university and companies, which in turn leads to the transference of benefits to the community, which helps improve their quality of life, in general.

In it, plans are developed for awarding scholarships and financial aid to students with limited access to funding sources. We lead capital raising for the adaptation and supply of equipment and infrastructure at Clínica Universidad de La Sabana, since it is located in an area where numerous rural areas and municipalities converge. This fact requires an institution that provides health services of a high level of complexity.

People and companies with a significant sense of social responsability are linked to causes that benefit vulnerable groups in need of help and a helping.  If you want to be part of this group, you can make your donation in cash or through different electronic means.

In Amigos Unisabana we focus our missionary task on receiving donations for the University, especially to leverage the annual scholarship plan, which has a budget of around twelve billion pesos (12,000,000,000).

For this purpose, we have several defined fronts, with which we seek to reach more companies and friends to connect with; there are several cases of friends who, in turn, donate small but important funds that, in some specific cases, helpstudents finance the tuition fee when they are in need

We also established relationships with companies in the area, which have also helped finance the University's projects. Those include bilingualism for public schools, Sabana Centro Sostenible (Sustainable Sabana Centro) and Sabana Centro Como Vamos (Sabana Centro How Are We Doing), which are all initiatives of the University which seek to help the development of the sphere of influence.

There are many testimonies of the students we help, some of which have been collected in the book. We remain very enthusiastic and committed to our work, bringing friends and businessmen to help us in our effort to offer increasingly inclusive education.

Finally, we also work to help finance the AD-PORTAS building with donations and savings already achieved in 2015 and which we hope to increase exponentially in 2016 and 2017.

We thank all those who continuously support our effort to contribute to build a world in peace and with increasing solidarity, from the academy. 

Enrique Bayer Tamayo
Asociación de Amigos of Universidad de La Sabana

Thanks to the monetary contributions made by companies and people, we contribute to give a decent life option to young people from socio-economical strata 1, 2 and 3, facilitating their access to Higher Education. These cash donations are invested in academic and support grants, adaptation of classrooms, laboratories and technological tools. Part of these resources is also destined to the support of scientific research, which is a fundamental pillar in the economic and social development of the country.

Thanks to the private sector and the contribution of many friends, we have been able to invest more than ten billion pesos to the scholarship program, annually, benefiting 1800 students.

For more information:

Phone: 6305213 Ext: 52222  
Address: Carrera 69 No 80-45, piso 5 (Altillo) Bogotá, D.C.- Colombia