Economics and International Finances

Globalization and new trends in financial markets have changed productive structures, generating increasingly competitive scenarios. For this reason, the labor market requires new professionals capable of intervening in the economic and financial environment, their challenges, opportunities and risks.

The Undergraduate Program in Economics and International Finances at Universidad de La Sabana trains strategists for private companies, capable of transferring the rigor of economics to the business world, directly influencing the strategies and decisions of investment in stocks and securities.

Economics & International Finances: Scientific strategists in economics for private companies.

Degree and level study

Bachelor of Economics with emphasis on International Finance. Undergraduate.

Language of Instruction

English-taught subjects.

* To request the program stucture in English, please send an e-mail to 


8 semesters.

1 Colombian credit= 16 on-site hours + 32 hours of independent work (48 hours).


  •  Accreditation for 6 years, according to Resolution 008345 of August 9, 2019.

This program is taught at Puente del Común Campus, Km. 7, Autopista Norte de Bogotá. Chía, Cundinamarca, Colombia.


Taught on campus during daytime hours.

Study Mode

National and International Accreditations

Code in the Colombian National Data System of Higher Education (SNIES, Spanish acronym):


Tuition and other costs:

Registration: $ 130.000 COP/ 34 USD aprox.

Tuition in Colombian pesos (COP): $17.915.000. Approximate amount in US dollars: 4.398 USD.

Qualified Registration approved by the Ministry of Education of Colombia:

Renewal of the Qualified Registration according to Resolution No. 19204 and 14861 of September 11, 2014. Valid for 7 years.

For more information, please see the website in spanish.

To download the structure of the Economics and International Finances program, click here. ​​​​​​​

Watch the video (spanish)