Corporate Communication

The Corporate Communication program of Universidad de La Sabana is a novel academic program relevant to the development of organizations since it seeks to train professionals who are capable of generating trust between them and society. This undergraduate program aims to structure, give sense to, and promote organizational management. Thus, by managing it properly, companies are able to define and present their identity and their value proposition with their different audiences.

The program offers comprehensive training in “corporate communication,” in response to the needs of the current environment, marked by technological development, globalization, diverse cultures and changes in communication dynamics.

Degree and level study

Bachelor of Corporate Communication. Undergraduate.

Language of Instruction

English-taught subjects.

* To request the program stucture in English, please send an e-mail to 


1 Colombian credit= 16 on-site hours + 32 hours of independent work (48 hours).


9 semesters.

Study Mode

Taught on campus during daytime hours.


This program is taught at Puente del Común Campus, Km. 7, Autopista Norte de Bogotá. Chía, Cundinamarca, Colombia.

Code in the Colombian National Data System of Higher Education (SNIES, Spanish acronym):


Tuition and other costs:

Registration: $ 130.000 COP/ 34 USD aprox.

The tuition fee for 2024

Tuition in Colombian pesos (COP)Approximate amount in US dollars
$ 16.030.0003.976USD aprox.
*All amounts in dollars are approximate values. The amount is calculated according to the USD exchange rate of the day.

Qualified Registration approved by the Ministry of Education of Colombia:

Qualified Registration according to Resolution No. 14029 of August 15, 2018. Valid for 7 years.

For more information, please see the website in spanish.

Watch the video (spanish)