Master in Public Health

The Master’s program in Public Health offers a comprehensive view through an approach to the generality of the essential functions of public health, from which areas to delve in throughout the rest of the program’s academic offer may be identified. It is a scenario for inter-professional education in which different disciplines take part and where the health-disease model as a collective construction is addressed. Such an exercise requires the qualified participation of different professions and cultural baggage. 

The program is based on three cornerstones from which the health of the population is managed: 1) the education of professionals, 2) communities, 3) health administrators, 4) decision makers, and 5) service providers.

The basis of the training process includes the development of professional skills in public health, through active methodologies where learning is guided by evaluation.

Based on community-based research, the program promotes the dialogue of knowledge that contributes to cultural adaptations essential to endorse the health of the population.

Degree type and level

Master of Public Health.Graduate.


1 Colombian credit= 8 on-site hours + 40 hours of independent work (48 hours).

Language of Instruction

English-taught subjects.

* To request the program stucture in English, please send an e-mail to 


2 years.

Study Mode

Blended Modules taught on campus once a month (Friday and Saturday) and through an online component.


This program is taught on Campus, at Puente del Común, Km. 7, Autopista Norte de Bogotá. Chía, Cundinamarca, Colombia


Type of academic training offered

Course-based Master

Code in the Colombian National Data System of Higher Education (SNIES, Spanish acronym):


Tuition and other costs:

Registration: $ 150.000 COP/ 41 USD aprox.

Tuition in Colombian pesos (COP): $47.280.000. Approximate amount in US dollars: 11.848 USD.

*All amounts in dollars are approximate values. The amount is calculated according to the USD exchange rate of the day.

Qualified Registry issued by the National Education Ministry:

Qualified Registry by Resolution number 4659,March 15 2017, valid during 7 years.

For more information, please see the website in Spanish.